Express is the most popular Node web framework, which also serves as an underlying library for other popular Node web frameworks. It offers mechanisms for:

  • Write handlers for requests using various HTTP verbs at different URL paths/routes.

  • Establish standard web application settings, such as the port to use for connection and the location of templates used for response rendering.

  • Add additional request processing "middleware" at any point within the request handling pipeline.

The Namespace object provides an app method for the configuration of an Express app.

if ( { // Express app for configuration
  // Write your Express Endpoints here.
  //For Example'post', '/accept-cid', async (req, res) => {})

The method represents the Namespace wrapper over express app methods. It takes in 3 arguments:

  • method — This is the HTTP method: post, get, put, or delete.

  • path — This is the endpoint path appended to namespace.

  • callback — Callback function to be called.

Example:'post', '/accept-cid', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const cid = req.body.cid;
    if (cid) {
      console.log('CID =' + cid);
      res.status(200).json({ message: 'CID' });
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('CATCH IN ACCEPT CID', err);

Express endpoints can be defined at the end of your executable file:

// import app from init.js file
const { app } = require("./init");
const { namespaceWrapper } = require("./namespaceWrapper");

async function setup() {
  console.log("IN SETUP");
  await namespaceWrapper.defaultTaskSetup();

async function execute() {


if ( {'post', '/accept-cid', doSomething());

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