? Select operation βΊ - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
β― Create a task staking wallet
Create a task distribution wallet
Stake tokens on a task
Show all tasks
Staking Wallet
To create a staking wallet, select the "Create a task staking wallet" option and add the amount of KOII tokens you want to fund the wallet with.
β Enter the path to your wallet β¦ /Users/<YOUR_HOME>/.config/koii/id.json
β Select operation βΊ Create a task staking wallet
Connection to cluster established: https://k2-testnet.koii.live
Using account 2kG7HBGGVHZEhdbHQzvQGQUjLNGGiQvxshLu47UvnpBs containing 379.99414788 KOII to pay for fees
β Enter the amount to add to staking wallet β¦ 20
β¨ Done in 586.68s.
Distribution Wallet
To create a distribution wallet, select the "Create a task distribution wallet" option and add the amount of KOII tokens you want to fund the wallet with.
β Enter the path to your wallet β¦ /Users/<YOUR_HOME>/.config/koii/id.json
β Select operation βΊ Create a task distribution wallet
Connection to cluster established: https://k2-testnet.koii.live
Using account 2kG7HBGGVHZEhdbHQzvQGQUjLNGGiQvxshLu47UvnpBs containing 359.992541 KOII to pay for fees
β Enter the amount to add to distribution wallet β¦ 30
β¨ Done in 664.06s.
Stake Tokens
To stake tokens on a task, select the "Stake tokens on a task", add the task ID of the task you want to stake on and enter the amount you want to stake.
β Enter the path to your wallet β¦ /Users/<YOUR_HOME>/.config/koii/id.json
β Select operation βΊ Stake tokens on a task
Connection to cluster established: https://k2-testnet.koii.live
Using account 2kG7HBGGVHZEhdbHQzvQGQUjLNGGiQvxshLu47UvnpBs containing 329.992531 KOII to pay for fees
β Enter the task id β¦ GUU6Fe765opB2SUMpNo7utMFvyjeY6EPWBjYeHzAbXb8
β Enter the stake amount for task β¦ 10
β¨ Done in 1039.91s.
Show All Tasks
To view all tasks, select the "Show all tasks" option. You should see an array of tasks with their name and ID.
β Enter the path to your wallet β¦ /Users/<YOUR_HOME>/.config/koii/id.json
β Select operation βΊ Show all tasks
Connection to cluster established: https://k2-testnet.koii.live
Using account 2kG7HBGGVHZEhdbHQzvQGQUjLNGGiQvxshLu47UvnpBs containing 329.992531 KOII to pay for fees
name: 'DID-task-V2',
taskId: '5RZrTKcumfnJ6z5fVuWSLuZKZCsjQARThQc5DjpF56gc'
name: 'DDR',
taskId: '5TK491kDMwSBFCKHxRQGBzV79uNRyYBcDiT5vNgL125g'
name: 'dryRun',
taskId: '7smY8E7f5BT5Gn5CKPkbSuro45ghAJtAkrV5WkUXcJ6G'
name: 'RedesignedTask',
taskId: 'BDXNWEjqfVFfWHWJfgJYpFVkWsXra8iKizn3v4Q8TdNS'
name: 'Test1',
taskId: 'GUU6Fe765opB2SUMpNo7utMFvyjeY6EPWBjYeHzAbXb8'