The nfts here must be an array of objects with each NFT object following the format shown below.
const nfts = [
attention: // The attention(Views) that NFT has
balances: // The number of NFTs owner have
contentType: // The type of the NFT, such as image/png or video/mp4
createdAt: // NFT create date
description: // Description of NFT
id: // Id of NFT
locked: []
next: // Next NFT
owner: // The wallet address of the NFT's owner
prev: // Previous NFT
reward: // Number of KOII this NFT get
tags: // Tags this NFT have such as ['#art']
ticker: "KOINFT"
title: // Title of NFT
Configuring new views and new forms of Atomic content requires a thorough understanding of the tools at play. This section covers tips and instructions for quickly scaffolding new formats.
File Types
There are several supported mime types for the Leaderboard Template:
text/html ~ these will render as apps inside iframes (useful for dynamic content)
image/* ~ these will render as html <img> tags
video/* ~ these will render as iframes containing videos
View Controls
Each type of Atomic NFT has a different type of view:
Swap the content out
┣ 📂utils
┃ ┗ 📜index.tsx line:36-48
// For three different types of NFT, there are three different types of views for it
const getMediaType = (contentType: any) => {
let mediaType = contentType;
if (contentType) {
if (contentType.includes("image/")) {
mediaType = "image";
} else if (contentType.includes("video/")) {
mediaType = "video";
} else if (contentType.includes("text/html")) {
mediaType = "iframe";
return mediaType;
┣ 📂common
┃ ┗ 📂NftMediaContainer
┃ ┗ 📜index.tsx line:10-38
const contentType = getMediaType(nft?.contentType);
const arweaveUrl = `${nft?.id}`; // This url is the source of the NFT
// Use Iframe for text/html type
const IframeContainer = () => <Box as="iframe" src={arweaveUrl} onLoad={() => triggerPort(nft?.id)} boxSize="100%" />;
// Use <Image> for image type
const ImageContainer = () => <Image src={arweaveUrl} onLoad={() => triggerPort(nft?.id)} boxSize="100%" objectFit="cover" />;
// Use <Box as="video"> for video type
const VideoContainer = () => (
<Box as="video" controls muted onLoadedData={() => triggerPort(nft?.id)} boxSize="100%">
<source src={arweaveUrl} />
// Judge which contentType NFT is then use it as <renderContainer>
const renderContainer = () => {
switch (contentType) {
case "image":
return <ImageContainer />;
case "video":
return <VideoContainer />;
case "iframe":
return <IframeContainer />;
return <></>;
return (
Show live counts for attention, title, description, etc.
// After fetching the NFT state, customize the props you wanna show
┣ 📂nft
┃ ┗ 📜index.tsx
// attention prop shows the attention(Views) that NFT has.
// Same way as title and description.
<Text>{nft?.attention} Views</Text>
// reward prop shows how much KOII NFT earned
const formatDigitNumber = (val: any) => {
if (typeof val !== "number") return 0;
if (val) return val.toLocaleString("en-US", { maximumFractionDigits: 2 });
else return 0;
<Text>{formatDigitNumber(nft?.reward)} Koii earned</Text>
// To view NFT in block, use tag
<Button as={Link} href={`${nft?.id}`}>
Explore block
// To show the date NFT created at.
const formatUnixTimestamp = (
timestamp: string,
options: Record<string, any> = {
// e.g: Jan 30, 2022
day: "numeric",
month: "short",
year: "numeric"
) => {
if (!timestamp) return null;
return new Date(parseInt(timestamp) * 1000).toLocaleString(undefined, options);
<span>{formatUnixTimestamp(nft?.createdAt || "1616944045")}</span>